Our single lives are coming to an end. Therefore we would love you to so share all your experiences you had with us by leaving a comment, post some pictures or share your videos.
Our single lives are coming to an end. Therefore we would love you to so share all your experiences you had with us by leaving a comment, post some pictures or share your videos.
Steve, a guy you can have a lot of fun with! Going on a mission trip for Jesus with Him is a joy. We went to France with a group of disciples, where we saw God work. We also had lots of good conversations. And of course playing games. We will miss you Steve, but you will make miss Ana into Mrs. Ana. And grow together into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Blessings together!
Que DEUS vos proteja em todos os dias da vossa vida, vos envolva no seu AMOR e ilumine todos os vossos passos.
Almoço em família!
Zondag 14 maart 2021 kreeg ik een prachtige foto van jullie samen voor het Buckingham Palace.Ik was even verbaasd.Meteen daarna viel het kwartje.
Enkele weken eerder had Steve mij toevertrouwd dat er een verrassing aan zat te komen maar wat dat was verklapte hij toen niet.
En ja hoor de verrassing was Ana: “Yes! Ze is de ware”
Je bent van harte welkom in onze familie , Ana.We zijn blij met Steve zijn keuze voor jou!!
Veel geluk samen.
Dankjewel moeders! Beste keuze ooit 😉