After just 14 months we are going to marry each other. For this moment to be possible we have experienced at lot of first times which were not always smooth but definitely worth it. We are looking back at a wonderful year with each other where we learned a lot and we feel that we are now prepared to commit to one another for life.
25th of February 2021
The First Conversation
After praying and fasting, Steve called Ana. This was the beginning of a daily habbit of hours long talks. Our conversations deepened almost immediately. And we soon shared every moment of our days with each other.

12th of March 2021
The First Meeting
Just two weeks later Steve visited Ana in London. At first glance he knew she was the one, but she needed more than a glance to be convinced. In the following weeks however, all her doubts turned into absolute certainty. We were both convinced God has put us together.
7th of April 2021
The First Mistake
We were so madly in love that we wanted to get married in just a few weeks after meeting face to face. Soon however, after some solid advice and prayer, we realised it was not the right time. We took a step back, listened to God and decided to get to know each other first and to understand more about what marriage is all about.

April – November 2021
The Slow Down
After we woke up from our dream we went to work. For months we travelled back and forth to each other’s country, met our families and friends and got to know each other’s culture. We read books, did an engagement course and are being discipled. In this period we endured our ups and down and our relationship was tested to the fullest.
25th November 2021
She said Yes!
When the time was right and we were both confident that we are made for one another, Steve finally dropped the question. He spread messages all around his flat for Ana to follow and there and then he got on one knee. He asked: “vais casar comigo?” and she said “sim!” Now, we are looking forward to get old together.

Estou tão feliz por você!
Thanks Noortje! We are very happy also and are really looking forward to the big day 🙂
I think they are in Love!! Praise Jezus!!
You are Blessed.
Very nice pictures 😊👍
Yes we are! And we hope you guys can come and join us. It’s also thanks to Kirsten and you that we are where we are today in our relationship. Bless you guys!